25.3. 1947, Elton John, glasbenik (Candle in the wind, Don't go breaking my heart)
26.3. 1985, Keira Knightley, igralka (Prevzetnost in pristranost, Pirati s Karibov)
27.3. 1963, Quentin Tarantino, režiser in igralec (Ubila bom Billa 1 in 2, Bilo je nekoč ... V Hollywodu)
28.3. 1986 Lady Gaga, pevka (Bad romance, Poker face)
29.3. 1968, Lucy Lawless, igralka (Xena)
30.3. 1968, Celine Dion, pevka (My Heart Will Go On, The Power of Love)
31.3. 1971, Ewan McGregor, igralec (Vojna Zvezd)